Released in the UK May 2005
Released in the US July 2005


Hardback | 24 Pages
Read to me: 4-6
Read Myself: 7-11
9781857929614 • £6.99 $9.99

BISAC – JNF007080

A Home for Virginia

Patricia St. John

When an old miner is left with the job of bringing up the newborn Virginia he doesnt realise that it will change his life forever. As he cleans the dust and cobwebs away for the new arrival, we see that is also what the Holy Spirit does in our lives. He starts a work in our hearts and our lives are changed forever.

Patricia St. John
Patricia St. John spent 27 years as a dedicated missionary to North Africa - and was also a prolific children's writer. Her books are loved and treasured around the world. Some have been turned into stirring films. Gripping adventures which cover real life issues are her hall-mark.

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