Released in the UK July 2013
Released in the US September 2013
Large trade paperback | 336 Pages
9781845502706 • £11.99 $17.99
BISAC – REL006060
Davis brings cultural and historical colour to the task of interpreting one of the most studied parts of the Bible. The lessons in 2 Samuel from the life of Israel, and David in particular, have obvious modern parallels. Davis writes with a pastor’s heart AND the incisive brain of a respected theologian specialising in the Old Testament texts.
Dale Ralph Davis
Dale Ralph Davis is a renowned Bible teacher who lives in rural Tennessee. He has been a pastor in various churches and was Professor of Old Testament at Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi.
9781845500962 |
9781845503123 |
9781781913048 |
9781845501921 |
"He combines the depth of understanding of a thorough-going Old Testament scholar with the breadth of insight of a biblical theologian and the perception of a preacher well used to addressing contemporary audiences to provide us with a commentary that brings the preaching potential of these books to life."
Mark Johnston
Minister, Bethel Presbyterian Church, Cardiff, Wales
"Such sensitivity to the biblical theology of the text is a crucial correction to much of modern exposition...Reading the commentary is itself a devotional exercise."
"Writers will say, Why can't I write like that? Scholars, Why am I not so well read? Expositors, Why didn't I see it all like that too? And readers will join in unanimous praise for a great feast of biblical truth made so digestible, garnished with so many apt illustrations and always focused on the God of all Grace. I have lost count of the number of titbits transferred to my notebooks for future use!"
Alec Motyer
(1924–2016) Well known Bible expositor and commentary writer
... merits a five-star rating. This book is everything a commentary ought to be... preachers, Bible group leaders and belivers eager to understand 2 Samuel should sell their shirt to purchase this excellent commentary!H