A top shelf piece of work by a top shelf pastor-scholar who has served the local church and the seminary inimitably for over two decades. We need more commentaries like this one. A case study in how to take the tools received in the classroom (think Vos, Ridderbos, Gaffin et al) and put them to use in serious exegetical and pastoral work, not to mention his well-placed polemical (Christ exalting) interaction with the NPP.
Dustyn Eudaly, PCA Minister and Westminster Theological Seminary PhD Candidate, Philadelphia, PA
There are numerous commentaries on this grand epistle, but not all convey the passion and zeal that Paul had for the truth of the Gospel of God's free grace in Jesus Christ. In this commentary, it is evident that David McWilliams is not only a superb exegete and theologian, he is also a true pastor, who deeply loves the Gospel that Paul preached as well as Christ's Church, which desperately needs to hear that Gospel today.
The eschatological and redemptive-historical framework of Paul's theology is evident throughout the exposition. It is an invaluable resource for both ministers and laymen, and it deserves a place on the shelf right next to Martin Luther's invigorating commentary.