Released in the UK September 2009
Released in the US November 2009
Large trade paperback | 160 Pages
9781845504779 • £14.99 $19.99
BISAC – REL006210
What is the Church? If we want to minister to today’s broken world we need to understand what Scripture means by the Church. New Testament writes about the body of Christ and the Kingdom of God. For the writer to the Hebrews, the Church of today finds its most proper definition in terms of the historical experience of the old covenant people of God “in the wilderness” during the days of Moses. For him, the Church is: God’s people in the wilderness. His unifying perspective on this vital question of the Church’s self–definition provides fresh insight into the nature of the Church––an insight that has the promise of reviving and redefining the life of Christ’s people even today. Rooted in the redemptive experience of the old covenant people of God, this life–shaping self–definition may provide much–needed aid to the confused state of churches in Christ for the 21st century. Palmer Robertson will help us consider the nature and mission of the people of God in today’s world as defined by Hebrews.
O. Palmer Robertson
O. Palmer Robertson is the director and principal of Africa Bible College, Uganda. He previously taught at Reformed Westminster, Covenant, and Knox Theological Seminaries.
9781527105324 |
9781527107762 |
9781845501921 |
9781781918616 |
"To have a full-orbed view of the Church, one must consider what all of Scripture says about her. Robertson well enlightens us on Hebrew's emphasis that the Church is in the ‘wilderness.'"
Robert J. Cara
Provost, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte, North Carolina
"The appearance of this volume is most welcome. Its substance in an earlier form helped considerably in shaping my own overall understanding of Hebrews and appreciation of the centrality there of the church as the new covenant wilderness community. I commend it as a worthy addition to the libraries of pastors, teachers and other serious students of Scripture."
Richard Gaffin
Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Emeritus, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania