Released in the UK July 2012
Released in the US September 2012
Trade paperback | 128 Pages
9781845506483 • £6.99 $9.99
BISAC – REL012000
In John Flavel’s classic work on union and fellowship with God he helps us understand better what ‘keeping the heart’ means. He tells us why we should take this commission seriously and speaks about there being particular times when we need to be especially wary of being distracted from our goal. He then shows how we can go on to develop a greater ability in keeping our hearts in tune with God. His advice is timeless, sensitive and profound.
John Flavel
Flavel was an English Puritan who became a non–conformist after the ‘Great Ejection’ of 1662. It was 10 years before he was licenced to preach again, and then only in his own home. His writings, when collected in the 19th century, filled 6 volumes. Flavel’s writings are known for their practical nature. He was instrumental in promoting the ‘Happy Union’ of Presbyterians and Congregationalists.
9781527102934 |
9781845506490 |
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"Flavel is clear-headed and eloquent in the plain Puritan style, orthodox, Christ-focused and life-centred in his subject-matter, with his mind always set on advancing true godliness, with peace and joy in the Lord."
J. I. Packer
(1926–2020), Board of Governors’ Professor of Theology, Regent College, Vancouver, Canada