Released in the UK May 2020
Released in the US May 2020


Trade hardback | 160 Pages
9781527105249 • £12.99 $15.99

BISAC – REL093000

Compel Them to Come In

Calvinism and the Free Offer of the Gospel

Donald Macleod

If we believe in God’s sovereign predestination, how can we offer Christ to sinners indiscriminately? How could someone who knew that no one can come to Christ unless the Father draws them still plead with them to look to the Saviour? The Bible clearly entreats us to go after the lost, so Donald Macleod tackles the objections raised by those who argue that since there is no universal redemption there should be no universal gospel offer.

Donald Macleod
Donald Macleod (1940–2023) was the Principal of the Free Church of Scotland College, Edinburgh until 2010. Regarded as one of Britain’s most prominent theologians he wrote extensively on a wide range of issues.

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