Released in the UK September 2020
Released in the US September 2020


Large trade paperback | 192 Pages
9781527105553 • £8.99 $13.99

BISAC – REL012120

Intimacy With God

A Practical Guide in Our Struggles

John D. Hannah

A Christian believes that God’s Holy Spirit indwells them, and that through Christ they have a relationship with God. But for many of us the experience of that relationship varies in intensity, our devotion seemingly affected by the external factors that make up our life. In this book John D. Hannah examines the nature of the spiritual life, and argues that while our Christian walk is bound to traverse peaks and valleys, there is a lifestyle we can put into practice that allows us to focus on the faithfulness of God’s promises. This does not entail relying on one’s own strength but emphasises God’s Word, prayer and the church family as blessings through which to cultivate intimacy with God.

John D. Hannah
John D. Hannah has been a professor at Dallas Theological Seminary for forty years, specialising in theology and history. He is also an author, and frequently speaks at churches and conferences.

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