Released in the UK November 2022
Released in the US November 2022


Large trade paperback | 192 Pages
9781527108936 • £10.99 $15.99

BISAC – REL012120

Growing in Christ

5 Biblical Steps for Enduring Growth

Paul Wells

What does it mean to ‘grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’?  In this valuable book, Paul Wells takes the reader through the five conditions favourable for growth in Christ: planting in the right place for spiritual life to begin; rooting in the biblical teaching of the word of God; growing up to stability in Christ; maturity and vitality through the work of the Spirit; and fruitfulness as the outcome of growth into Christ. 

Paul Wells
Paul Wells is emeritus professor of the Faculté Jean Calvin in Aix–en–Provence, France and editor of the international journal Unio Cum Christo. After working in France as a theological educator for many years, he now lives in Liverpool. He has published many books in French including a new translation of Calvin’s ‘Institutes’ in 2009 and more recently a two–volume theology.

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