Released in the UK March 2023
Released in the US March 2023


Trade hardback | 96 Pages
9781527109711 • £12.99 $16.99

BISAC – REL067000

The Person of Christ

Finding Assurance by Walking With Jesus

Andrew Bonar

Right views of sin have a tendency to lead us to right views of the Person of the Saviour. But the converse is also true; right views of the Saviour’s person lead to the right views of Sin.

The Person of Christ is a wonderful encouragement for Christians today; the truths Bonar addresses are timeless. Encouraging readers to fix their eyes on Jesus, Bonar sets out a precedent for heartfelt evangelical exposition of the Gospel via the personal relationship Christians have with the Person of Christ.  

Andrew Bonar
Andrew Bonar (1810-1892) was a minister of the Free Church of Scotland in Glasgow and was the younger brother of the noted hymn writer Horatius Bonar. He was also the author of a famous biography of Robert Murray McCheyne.

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