Released in the UK March 2025
Released in the US March 2025
Trade paperback | 128 Pages
9781527112230 • £8.99 $12.99
BISAC – REL012070
Rather than giving us step–by–step instructions on how to live a more efficient, productive, and successful life, the ancient book of Proverbs encourages us to meditate on the person, posture and pace of wisdom. In this valuable book, Zack Eswine shows us how Jesus exemplifies these things, and emphasizes the importance of relating wisely to people, including to ourselves, before considering how to grow wiser in life skills. Biblical wisdom invites us to seek wiser hearts in communal rather than lonely ways. This book is a treasure for anyone seeking to live life more wisely.
Zack Eswine
Zack Eswine is the Lead Pastor of Riverside Church in St Louis, Missouri and co–founder with his wife, Jessica, of Sage Christianity He is also the author of ‘Spurgeon’s Sorrows’
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In a culture that offers endless opportunities to hone our skills and our knowledge, Zack Eswine invites us to hone our wisdom. I closed this book feeling deeply loved, expertly counseled, and filled with hope.
Kelly Needham
Wife and mom of five; author, ‘Purposefooled’ and ‘Friendish’
Zack Eswine is the sage our modern church culture needs. He will deny it, but that will prove the point. Wisdom seeps out of every pore of this book.
Elyse Fitzpatrick
Author and speaker
Zack has given us a true treasure—poetic yet practical, bold yet compassionate. Rooted in the ancient wisdom of Scripture and beautifully original, this book will draw you closer to Jesus and lead you into a life of wholeness and joy.
Ken Shigematsu
Pastor, Tenth Church, Vancouver, British Columbia; author, ‘God in My Everything’
… a profound and deeply human guide to embodying Christ–like wisdom …
Dan Steel
Principal, Yarnton Manor, Oxford