Released in the UK March 2025
Released in the US March 2025
Large trade hardback | 224 Pages
Read Myself: 12+
9781527112513 • £12.99 $16.99
BISAC – YAN048020
The Westminster Shorter Catechism has guided Christians for almost 400 years. In question–and–answer format, the first thirty–eight questions summarise what the Bible says about God, and the following sixty–nine questions how Christians should live. In 66 devotions, Robert Cathcart helps teens explore each question and answer of the Westminster Shorter Catechism. Each devotional provides an explanation in clear, modern terms, along with Scripture references. There are Challenge Questions, to encourage readers to think about how that day’s question affects their own life, and a guided prayer.
Robert D. Cathcart
A graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary (MDiv) and Erskine College (DMin), Robert Cathcart serves as pastor of Friendship PCA in Laurens, South Carolina. Robert and his wife Sarah have four children and a daughter–in–law. Robert enjoys music, sports and writing new hymn and Psalm texts.
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This book is a wonderful gift to Christian families. It is clear, easy to use, and filled with life–changing truths.
Jonathan Master
President, Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary, South Carolina
Dr. Cathcart’s manuscript is outstanding. It will be extremely useful for family and small group teaching/devotions, I highly recommend it. He believes, and strives to live out these truths.
“Uncle Archie” aka Archie Moore
Chaplain, Ridge Haven camp, conference and retreat center
What a blessing this book has been to me. Cathcart explains the Shorter Catechism in a way the young people can understand, and gives real life examples on applying the principles in daily life. An excellent family devotional guide.
Linda Finlayson
Author of ‘God’s Timeline’ and ‘God’s Bible Timeline’