"A highly readable and very useful introduction to Christianity"
Alister McGrath, Professor of Historical Theology, Oxford University
"Part C.S. Lewis, part John Stott, Austen invites conversation with unbelievers. God has in fact bothered with us more than we know."
Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California, Escondido, California
"An accessible, engaging and comprehensive explanation of the Christian faith, which I thoroughly recommend."
Rico Tice, Evangelist; Co–founder of Christianity Explored Ministries
"Shrewd, sane and sensible, I wish this book every success. By success I mean that those who at present don't bother with God will read it and discover that God bothers with them."
Dick Lucas, Formerly Rector of St Helen's Bishopsgate, London
"If you are looking for a clear, straightforward explanation of the basics of Christian belief, in everyday language, this is your book. It is lucid, illuminating and very readable!"
David Jackman, Past President, The Proclamation Trust, London
"Truly amazing. This book is great. I wanted to pass it on to various people I know in hopes of helping them find God and invite Him into their lives. This is one book I will keep on hand in case I need to pass it on..."