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Why Reading Church History Will Make You Love God More

Why Reading Church History Will Make You Love God More

Luke H. Davis

Once when I was much younger, our family was vacationing in Colorado. There were all sorts of activities at the conference center in the Sangre de Cristo range where we stayed, but one I remembered was horseback riding. Our entire family saddled up on several noble beasts and headed out for a leisurely plod over the surrounding territory. As time went by, two things became apparent.

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Wise Church Planting: An Introduction

Wise Church Planting: An Introduction

Dan Steel

When was the last time you were at a ministry conference (or any sort of conference) and the speaker at the front was someone who had failed. That is, their plans, dreams and hopes for their project had decidedly dive–bombed? And if that kind of person was given the opportunity to speak, would we even be willing to listen, or is it just the ‘experts’ who have a track–record of ‘success’ that we care about?

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A Time to Mourn: Grieving the Loss of Those Whose Eternities Were Uncertain

A Time to Mourn: Grieving the Loss of Those Whose Eternities Were Uncertain

Will Dobbie

The death of someone you care about, whom you don’t think was saved, is surely one of the most heartbreaking of circumstances. It can haunt for a lifetime. Yet the eternal loss of unbelievers is something most believers experience several times over. Four times in Scripture, God condemns false prophets for ‘healing the wound of His people lightly’ and ‘saying, “Peace, peace,” when there is no peace.’[1]

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Happy 700th Birthday!

Happy 700th Birthday!

David Luckman

During 2024, Wycliffe Bible Translators celebrate the 700th anniversary of John Wycliffe’s birth in 1324. To commemorate the birth of this remarkable English Reformer, John Wycliffe – According to the Word has been published in the Trail Blazers series of the CF4K imprint of Christian Focus Publications.

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Fresh Perspectives on the ‘Lewis Revival’

Fresh Perspectives on the ‘Lewis Revival’

Tom Lennie

Everybody loves a good story. And there’s plenty of good stories to be found in the famed Lewis revival of 1949–52. Such as the seven men who prayed together in a cold barn through long winter’s nights, two or three times a week. Or the story of the two elderly Smith sisters – aged 84 and 82 years respectively; one completely blind, the other bent double with arthritis – who received premonitions from God that revival was coming, and prayed the movement into being.

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My Exceeding Joy– a blog about the Psalms

My Exceeding Joy– a blog about the Psalms

Dale Ralph Davis

I’ve been charged with writing a blog about my recently published book on Psalms 38–51 called ‘My Exceeding Joy’. Actually, I don’t write blogs; I rarely read blogs. I remember theologian Addison Leitch saying that magazines were the enemies of books. I think blogs are the enemies of books. We’d be better off if far fewer bloggers wrote blogs. So my writing a blog to commend my book is clearly hypocritical. But it’s only temporary.

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