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Your Future 'Other Half'It matters whom you marry

Your Future 'Other Half'

It matters whom you marry

Rebecca VanDoodewaard
  • £6.99
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Rebecca Vandoodewaard of The Christian Pundit blogsite gives Biblical advice for women who are in a relationship, who wish to be in a relationship, or who struggle in an imperfect marriage by addressing the spiritual, emotional, mental, physical and relational effects of intimacy and answering questions for the single or married such as: Where does love fit in? and, How do I fit in?

Rebecca VanDoodewaard

About Rebecca VanDoodewaard

Rebecca VanDoodewaard is a freelance editor. Her husband William VanDoodewaard is ordained in the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Until recently they blogged together at



With kindness and truth woven together, she unpacks the long-term mental, emotional, physical and spiritual impact of marriage. This book is a valuable and much needed resource for women.

Melissa B. Kruger, author and director of Women’s Initiatives for The Gospel Coalition

If you are a single woman, this may be the most important book you read this year... Heed the warnings in this book, be fortified by its encouragements, and give an ear to its sound biblical advice. As a pastor in a university church, I would place this book in the hands of every single young woman I could. And as a father, this is a book that I will ask my daughter to prayerfully read from cover to cover.

Jason Helopoulos, Senior Pastor, University Reformed Church, East Lansing, Michigan
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