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Spurgeon’s SorrowsRealistic Hope for those who Suffer from Depression

Spurgeon’s Sorrows

Realistic Hope for those who Suffer from Depression

Zack Eswine
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Christians should have the answers, shouldn’t they?

Depression affects many people around us; we and our loved ones are not exempt. With this compassionate exploration of the struggles faced by Charles Haddon Spurgeon, a renowned 19th–century preacher, who himself endured bouts of severe depression, Zack Eswine provides realistic hope and practical guidance for those grappling with depression. Drawing on Spurgeon’s experiences and wisdom, Eswine offers readers comfort from a fellower sufferer, and hope from the same God.


Spurgeon’s words are not shallow: he knew the valley and he knew the God who walked him through it. The light Spurgeon found in his darkness can serve as a light in our own darkness and enable us to shed light on the darkness experienced by others.


Understanding Depression: Depression is complex and can affect anyone, including people of faith, without being a sign of spiritual failure.

Spurgeon’s Experiences: Spurgeon’s transparency about his struggles with depression provides an authentic example of dealing with mental health issues.

Biblical Insights: Biblical teachings and theological reflections offer comfort, emphasizing God’s constant grace and love even in despair.

Practical Advice: The book offers practical tips like seeking professional help, self–care, and community support, encouraging patience and trust in God’s presence.

Role of the Church: Advocates for a compassionate church culture that supports those with depression without judgment.

Realistic Hope: Emphasizes acknowledging the pain of depression while holding on to the hope of healing and comfort, assuring readers they are not alone.


Spurgeon’s Sorrows combines historical insights with practical and spiritual guidance, making it a valuable resource for anyone affected by depression, as well as for those who seek to support them.


Zack Eswine

About Zack Eswine

Zack Eswine is the Senior Pastor at the Riverside Church and Director of Homiletics at Covenant Theological Seminary, both in St Louis, Missouri. A list of his writings can be found at


  • Author: Zack Eswine
  • Release Date: November 2015
  • Pages: 144
  • Format: Trade paperback
  • Dimensions: 198 x 130
  • ISBN: 9781781915387
  • Imprint: Christian Focus
  • Category: Christian Life > Spiritual Growth


There are few men I trust more to write a book on depression than Zack Eswine. His tears have freed me to embrace my tears, and his story of heartache has taken me further into my own. So Zack hasn't merely written a book chronicling Spurgeon's often debilitating struggles with melancholy and depression; he has given us a grace-full en ramp to understand our sorrows, and an incredibly practical guide for caring for heart-pained friends God places in our lives. I cannot wait to buy many copies of this book to give to strugglers and care-givers alike.

Scotty Ward Smith, Founding Pastor, Christ Community Church, Franklin, Tennessee

...Spurgeon from early years to final days found dark distress ever hovering on the edges of his mind and sometimes launching an all out assault on his very being. How he managed all this, by the grace of God, both for himself and for others, drives both the gripping content and the riveting literary style of Zack Eswine in Spurgeon's Sorrows.

Tom Nettles, Senior Professor of Historical Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky
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