This is my kind of book! I love the banter and the illustrations are memorable but alongside this wonderfully light touch there is real depth when it comes to examining the claims of Christ and giving a very clear explanation of the Good News. Why Jesus? is a great read and an ideal book to give to a friend who is prepared to consider the message of Jesus Christ.
Graham Daniels, General Director, Christians in Sport, Bicester, England
Read more... 'Why Jesus?' invites the reader to 'consider what the Bible has to say about Jesus' and offers 'some fundamental reasons why Jesus requires a response and should not be ignored.' The book has various applications including prison ministry, student outreach and sharing at sports events. It is also being used in Germany for work with refugees. Geoff was pleased to hear that Torch would be making his book accessible, saying 'My desire is that many eyes would be opened spiritually as people seek and receive answers to the important question of 'Why Jesus?'
Torch Trust - vision for people with sight loss