Paul House presents an important new reading of the prophecies of Isaiah based on the question: What if the entire book came from Isaiah and was spoken during the Assyrian era? His explanations are insightful, historical, well substantiated, interactive with other commentaries, and frequently mention NT quotations. He accepts the messianic interpretation of many key passages and explores how Isaiah’s theological reflections challenged his contemporary audience as well as contributed to biblical theology.
Gary V. Smith, Former Professor of Christian Studies, Union University, Jackson, Tennessee
Read more… Dr. House’s penetrating textual analysis reveals that the lengthy book is gospel shaped by seven consecutive divisions that all move from the people’s sins to “soaring Zion texts,” and that, in fact, the very word “gospel” had its origin in Isaiah! This, along with House’s convincing conclusion that Isaiah, alone, is the sole author of all sixty–six chapters provides the commentary with a literary and theological unity that invites real–life reflection and application midst today’s uncertainties.
R. Kent Hughes, Visiting Professor of Pastoral Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania