During the twenty–nine years of his life Robert Murray M’Cheyne was an inspiration to his contemporaries and has continued to be so to countless ministers. Often, sitting in St Peter’s Church in Dundee, I have wanted to ask the walls to tell me stories of the remarkable ministry he exercised within them between 1836 and 1843. Walls cannot speak, but books can. And while there are several excellent works on M’Cheyne, Jordan Stone has found a fresh way of bringing his story to life again. Here we are given glimpses of his personality, his devotion to Christ, the character of his ministry, the theology that gripped him, and the friends who surrounded him. Whether you have read everything you can about Robert M’Cheyne or have never heard his name before you will find both pleasure and challenge in Dr Stone’s wonderfully readable A Holy Minister.
Sinclair B. Ferguson, Chancellor’s Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi
Read moreStone brings to life a pastoral voice few outside of Scotland have heard, but every pastor needs. This book is a very concise, well–written, and accessible work that will act as a great introduction to Robert Murray M’Cheyne or a sweet reminder to those who already know him. I commend M’Cheyne to every pastor and this excellent work to get you started.
Brian Croft, Pastor, Auburndale Baptist Church, Louisville, Kentucky and Founder, Practical Shepherding