This book, with its detailed yet highly readable story, sets the pattern for others to follow. It is high-class biography, accurate and broad in scope, yet immensely interesting and informative.
Allan Harman, Research Professor of Old Testament, Presbyterian Theological College, Melbourne, Australia
... An important but often forgotten fact that emerges throughout this highly readable biography is the central role played by gifted elders in the birth and growth of the Free Church of Scotland... Get this book and read it.
The Monthly Record, Magazine of the Free Church of Scotland
Perhaps the best biography I have read for some time. Well written, extensively researched and highly informative.
English Churchman
"Don MacLeod navigates an ocean of detailed evidence with consummate skill... A page-turner and eye-opener.
Sam McKinstry, Professor of Business and Financial History, University of the West of Scotland, Paisley
Don MacLeod has used a wealth of primary sources... to recreate the life of a leading lay champion of the Free Church of Scotland.
David Bebbington, Professor of History, University of Stirling, Stirling
In telling this tale, Macleod has vividly brought to life the story of a man who was gregarious and generous. This book is a splendid example of the best kind of history.
Sandy Finlayson, Director of Library Services & Professor of Theological Bibliography, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
... this account of both Free Church and the individual man of business is both fascinating and sobering. This biography demonstrates that it is possible to be scholarly and also readable.