In Curing the Heart, Drs. Eyrich and Hines present a truly biblical model of counseling, and do so in a comprehensive, comprehendible manner. In the heritage of the great Puritan pastors, the authors equip readers to become skillful soul physicians who reconcile and guide believers toward growth in Christ. Focusing on the sufficiency and relevancy of God's Word, Curing the Heart presents the Bible's message about humanity in a living and dynamic way, and shows how to use the Bible to change hearts with God's changeless truth.
Robert W. Kellemen, Executive Director, Biblical Counseling Coalition, Lafayette, Indiana
Read more"This is a wonderful guide to use for learning how to counsel those in need, focusing on importance of building that relationship and trust. I felt that authors Eyrich and Hines did an excellent job in preparing this book and providing training for people interested in counselling others. Every pastor or counsellor should have a copy."
Tricia Bleau, Teens 4 Jesus