"Maureen McKenna's life story breathes the air of the two worlds in which she has lived. The Glasgow in which she was born and whose people she so obviously loves, and the Kingdom of God... A great read!"
Sinclair B. Ferguson, Chancellor’s Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi
Descend into a deep, dark underworld lit only by a long line of lamps God has placed there. The names on many lamps are familiar but here is a new lamp and under it the sound of laughter and praise.
Alan Devereux, Open Door Trust Glasgow
"A window into both the heart of God and his power to change lives."
Laspic Stewart, Chairman, Open Door Trust Glasgow
"Government policies and urban renewal schemes can change the environment, fund organisations, and create opportunities. But only God can change people. And he does. If you doubt that, read on!"
John Nicholls, Associate Minister, Smithton Free Church of Scotland, Inverness, formerly Chief Executive, London City Mission
Once, like us all, a prisoner of sin, Maureen McKenna and her husband Hugh, now reach others who are still trapped. This is a compelling book.
Rev. Jackie Ross, Blythswood Christian Care
"This is a challenging book which should encourage Christians to get out into the market place and share their faith and works with those most in need."