"These are stimulating testimonies from men and women who found Christ and the lived by faith in the God of the Bible. They are short and to the point, and I found them a healthy balance to the Bible Study - here because the Word comes alive in the lives of people with very different backgrounds...The book spotlights the important work Scripture Readers undertaken at home and abroad. Compelling reading - thoroughly recommended."
Evangelicals Now
"...here are men and women from all sorts of backgrounds, with differing early contacts with Christianity, who have come to a living faith which they long to share with others."
Ron Preece, Evangelism
None can measure the significant spiritual influence of SASRA over the years and not least in the years of National Service after the Second World War. Through SASRA I was brought into fellowship with five other men from different regiments or branches of the armed forces all stationed in Lüneburg, Germany. Only two of us were Christians when we joined up. Three of us became pastors and another a London City Missionary. This book will encourage personal evangelism and I hope it will promote prayer for the on-going vital work of SASRA.