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Why I Wrote ‘Bless–ed’

Why I Wrote ‘Bless–ed’

Larry Dixon

Mike’s a really great guy. That’s not his name, but the friend I’m talking about is still a great guy. He would be amused that he has inspired me to write a whole book about him and would probably want a royalty! But this isn’t a book about what Mike has, but about what Mike doesn’t have.

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Why Not You?

Why Not You?

J.M. Gurvsy

We were the most unlikely missionaries. Though I grew up in a serious evangelical family, missionary service was simply not on my radar. Our church welcomed missionaries whenever they visited, and we gave generously to support their labors. But I don’t remember our church ever making a public appeal for members of the congregation to consider going and serving themselves.

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When Mother’s Day is Hard

When Mother’s Day is Hard

Dayspring MacLeod

I can still remember how much I dreaded Mother’s Day.

I remember what it felt like to ‘mute’ friends on social media when they shared a few too many pregnancy–update photos.

There were too many bedrooms in our new house. There were too many needles involved in the prospect of IVF. There were too many years on the clock.

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Confidence: Where do we find it?

Confidence: Where do we find it?

Thomas Davis

Right, let’s start with a questionnaire. I am going to give you a few different scenarios that (theoretically) you could experience this week, and for each one I want you to choose one of two options to describe how that potential scenario makes you feel. Option A is that you feel something along the lines of positive, strong, optimistic or energized. Option B is the opposite; you feel negative, weak, apprehensive or drained.

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In Memoriam

In Memoriam

On the anniversary of John Tennant’s passing into glory, Donnie Morrison (CFP Sales Manager) shares some thoughts and memories of his time serving alongside his brother in Christ.

We send this into the world with the all of our love, prayers and support to his whole family, especially his wife Susan.

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