To many of us sexual abuse is a bewildering and deeply uncomfortable topic. News reports on the issue are greeted with a shake of the head as we think of the damage done, however in most cases, as the news continues, our minds gratefully move on to more comfortable areas. What do we do when we are faced with someone who has suffered abuse? - Or if you yourself have suffered abuse?
This book is a thoroughly Christian response to issues surrounding sexual abuse and shouts that there is LIFE after abuse. It is a frank look at a complex situation that affects more people than we would want to believe. It shows how to deal with many of the symptoms that those who have been abused are likely to suffer.

About Gwen Purdie
After ten years as a specialist social worker with adolescents and alcoholics, Gwen Purdie founded Dove Christian Counselling, a Christian Counselling ministry. Gwen and her husband Sandy continue to be involved in teaching and helping others to become counsellors.