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This book argues for the separation of the church and the state. Additionally, Estelle claims that t…
The doctrine of imputation is the ground in which salvation is rooted. It is often seen as superfluo…
There is no book better than the Bible. It is God’s own word. He breathed it into existence. H…
A Truly Reformed Apologetics? Cornelius Van Til claimed that all traditional apologetic methodologi…
Each year thousands die for the Jesus they read about in the Bible. At the same time scholars worldw…
The New Perspective on Paul claims that the Reformed understanding of justification is wrong –…
What hath beauty to do with systematic theology? In this new monograph, Samuel G. Parkison explores …
Cornel Venema revisits the important doctrine of predestination to re–familiarize the church w…
How does God’s unchanging nature impact the salvation of his people? While divine immutabilit…
In the light of what powers and faculties are human beings responsible individuals in the everyday? …
How Might We Obtain Everlasting Life? Although Protestants ought to have a ready answer about faith…