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New From CF4K – January/February 2013

Gavin MacKenzie

CF4K New Releases
CF4K New Releases

Love Is: Loving Others God's Way by Laura Martin - Do you think that sometimes the whole world seems to be singing about love - yet nobody really knows what it's all about? Love can be a complicated emotion - but that's only when humans are in charge. To find out what love really is and its true beauty we need to find out about the One who is love and who gave it to us in the first place. What is Love? God is Love. That's the answer. Based on 1 Corinthians 13 this book is a month's worth of daily readings and devotions on the theme of God's Love.
Commanded - Your Mission: Loving Others God's Way by L. H. Martin - Everywhere around us the clock is ticking. Everyone has a mission they are trying to achieve. Some are exciting - climb mountains, wrestle animals, train serpents. Some are important - cure cancer, translate languages, capture criminals. Some are, well, boring - make beds, wash dishes, pull weeds. And then some are commanded. Commanded? Yes, commanded. If we are Christians - if we have put our trust in the Lord, repented from our sins and given our lives to Him - we have a mission of our own. Your Mission is written in God's Word - The Bible. It is not all about you though - it's about honouring God by the way you live.
God's Special Tent by Jean Stapleton - Do you like tents? Perhaps you've gone camping,staying in one place and then moving to another. God's people the Israelites lived in tents in the wilderness as they moved from Egypt to the Promised Land. God gave them instructions about how to make a special tent - where He could be present among His people. Find out about how they made this tent and what special furniture and curtains were placed inside it. How did they build the tent and how did they carry it from one place to another? The priests made sacrifices to atone for the sin of the people, but the tabernacle or tent of meeting was a place that taught the people about the one who was going to save them from their sin for good - Jesus Christ, the promised Messiah. His sacrifice would mean that no other sacrifices were needed and that people could worship God all around the world.
Jesus Christ to the Rescue by Catherine Mackenzie - Jesus Christ came into the world to find his people and to save them from sin. He wanted to help them know God his Father. Jesus Christ has come to the rescue - he's not just a hero - he's more than that. He's a Saviour and he has come to the rescue for children just like you.
John Knox - The Sharpened Sword by Catherine Mackenzie (Trailblazers) - John Knox spent his life with a sword in one hand and a Bible in the other and he wasn't afraid to use either. He began his theological life as a body guard to George Wishart - and it was when that young man was put to death by the religious authorities that John Knox was finally persuaded of the need to awaken his country from the death of injustice and spiritual poverty that afflicted it.

He was never built for a quiet life and when he ran from one danger, he often found himself headed straight for another. Escaping from the authorities brought him straight into a castle siege and from there he ended up as a galley slave on a French frigate. No wonder he appreciated liberty when he had felt the grasp of slavery's chains and the cut of the enemy's whip. But his thirst for true freedom came from his longing for God's Word to be preached. John knew that true liberty only came from being in service to God and his Kingdom.

Many stood against him and they still do today... but he gave much to his country and to his God and the church and Scotland owe John Knox - they owe him thanks as they owe the God he served thanks for calling such men to be his preachers.

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