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Track: Navigating CultureA Student’s Guide to Navigating Culture

Track: Navigating Culture

A Student’s Guide to Navigating Culture

Walt Mueller
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Are Christians sitting on the fence? Are we stuck with a foot in each camp?

We all belong to a culture; it dictates everything from the shows we watch to the language we use to the food we eat. Culture shapes the way we react and interact. It affects so much of our lives, and yet we are rarely aware of it. If we are not careful, it can push us away from God’s good desires for who we are and how we live in our world.


Walt Mueller offers readers a practical guide to living in and engaging with culture, while living for God. His contribution to the Track series goes beyond simply identifying cultural trends; “Navigating Culture” empowers students to discern between healthy and harmful influences, to stand firm in their beliefs while respecting others, and to actively contribute to positive change in their communities. With practical advice on topics such as media consumption, peer relationships, and civic engagement, this guide serves as a trusted companion for students seeking to navigate the complexities of contemporary culture with wisdom and grace.


Unafraid to cover some of the big issues where there is a stark difference between biblical truth, and the way our friends might see things, Mueller helps young people discern the difference between what God teaches in his Word and what culture conditions us to believe.


This short, helpful book encourages young adults to open their eyes to the assumed norms and think about what it means to live in the culture but to follow God’s ways rather than the ways of the world.



  • Soup and Sandwiches
  • We All Wear Glasses
  • Culture, Your Story and God’s Story
  • Living Christianly in Culture
  • World, Word, Walk: on Gender
  • World, Word, Walk: on Social Media
  • Appendix A: What now?
  • Appendix B: Other Books and Resources


Track is a series of books designed to disciple the next generation in the areas of culture, doctrine, and the Christian life. While the topics addressed aren’t always simple, they are communicated in a manner that is.


With the intention of the content being absorbed, examined and applied, each chapter includes a summary of the main point, and reflection questions that can be used individually, in 1–2–1 mentoring or in a group setting.


Walt Mueller

About Walt Mueller

Walt Mueller is the founder and President of the Center for Parent/Youth Understanding. He is also the host of Youth Culture Today, a syndicated radio show and podcast.


  • Author: Walt Mueller
  • Release Date: July 2021
  • Pages: 96
  • Format: Pocket paperback
  • Dimensions: 178 x 110
  • ISBN: 9781527106949
  • Imprint: Christian Focus
  • Category: Ministry & Evangelism > Youth Ministry
  • Series: Track


This book challenges teenagers not to run away from, but to run into the hard questions they face today by offering biblical answers and theological conviction. It is a brave new world—here you will find the wisdom and courage you need to navigate it.

Stephen J. Nichols, President, Reformation Bible College, Sanford, Florida; author, ‘Track: A Student’s Guide to Apologetics’

What makes Walt Mueller such an important resource for youth workers is that he’s a keen student of both the culture and the Word. And he puts both of those tools to good use in this little book. The book is readable, biblical, and, of course, up–to–the–minute relevant.

Duffy Robbins, Professor of Christian Ministry, Grove City College, Pennsylvania
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